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Down the Tenn-Tom to the Gulf, Phone Booths, White Cliffs, Mechanical issues and Pirate Ships

Updated: May 3, 2023

November 1 Through November 9 (Click on the images to see and scroll them in full size)

Sorry for the delay in this update, but cell coverage and good Wi-Fi were really hard to find on this stretch of river.

Tuesday, November 1 we Traveled to Glover Wilkins lock and dam and anchored. We rowed dinghy to shore and walked to the lock and back to boat ramp. When pumps run and don't stop on a boat, that is BAD. Oh crap, literally, toilet seals need to be replaced. Glen had an extra set, put it on the Amazon list. But future note, keep lots of toilet parts, because Chris gets cranky when the toilet doesn't work.

Wednesday we ran to Columbus Marina, excellent staff, great directions into the slip fancy dinner out for our 31st anniversary dinner with Glenn and Carol. The next day I tested our batteries, they are shot, ordered new ones to deliver to Kingfisher by Friday? Walked town and visited Tennessee Williams home and did walking tour of mansions. Oh yea, fixed the toilet, NOT a glamorous job.

Friday we traveled with Hazy Little Thing and Encore saw the phone booth at MM 312 Right Descending Bank (RDB) 3 locks and SURPRISE, my bow and stern thrusters decided to stop working. (They help me maneuver the boat by pushing the bow and stern where I want them. On a single engine boat that makes life so much easier.) Watching the weather strong thunderstorms predicted tomorrow. Thursday we saw the White Cliffs of Epes, traveled to Kingfisher Marina, picked up my toilet bowl seals, but batteries did not show up on Friday, Monday maybe? Gave Patriot a well deserved bath, power washer, deck cleaner, glass cleaner and rust stain remover. After a couple of hours, I had her looking like new (well almost).

On Monday, we had a mechanic on board, checked stern thruster battery, they were junk too. Confirmed house batteries are junk, tracked delivery, they should arrive Tuesday. Ate at Hawaiian Grill, in a gas station, which was EXCELLENT! (I guess gas station sushi isn't always bad) Rode the shuttle with the same folks that I picked up my rental car with. Bob and Vicky onboard Sky View, when you are looping, it is always a small world.

Tuesday we had to Stay ANOTHER night, batteries should arrive tomorrow, very stressed because we are holding up our buddy boat. Batteries arrived, 124 pounds each, installed with Glenn form Encore. Early morning trip to Advance Auto to replace stern thruster battery.

A freaking PIRATE SHIP pulled in in the afternoon, the Sea Dragon, built in Hong Kong in 1967, owner was headed to the Gulf and rescued her from an Ohio boat yard and has put over 1,000 hours restoring her. She was a gaff rigged Schooner.

Ate at The Red Barn, awesome catfish. We also met up with the crew of Crab Shack, Christine's cousin's friends from Sturgeon Bay, WI who we have been looking for our entire trip. On the bus to dinner, Christine hear someone say "Crab Shack" from the back of the bus and that is the only reason we even knew they were in the marina. What a small world indeed.

November 9 14 boats locked through Demopolis lock and dam at almost exactly 7:30. Fast boats headed for Bobbies Fish Camp, we ended up at Bashi Creek. Snug little creek, maybe 50 feet wide anchored up around 100 yards in. In the morning Glen and I ran up the creek (With paddles) to see where it went. Headed for Okatuppa Creek anchorage the next night.

Two more anchorages then on to Mobile Bay and salt water, in our next update. Till then, fair winds and following seas.

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Niki Kozak
Niki Kozak
Nov 13, 2022

Those gorgeous antebellum mansions and Tennessee Williams house in Columbus were such a treat along that deserted stretch of river! You're almost to the beaches, woo hoo!

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