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44 locks in 2 weeks - The Trent Severn Waterway

Updated: Aug 27, 2023

July 13 through July 28, 2023 (Click on the images to see and scroll them in full size)

Thursday, July 13 we spent our first night in Canada at a small, very picturesque marina, Prinyer's Cove. Before leaving the boats we called into Canadian customs, and got our cruising permit for the next 6 weeks.

The next day, we lucked out again and there was a local street festival near the marina we stayed at in Trent, Ontario. We walked the festival and that night, we were treated to a drone show and fireworks. The next day, we found an all you can eat sushi and Thai restaurant and I almost put them out of business! The system was really cool, they gave you an IPad at your table and you just clicked on what you wanted and it magically showed up at your table. It was AWESOME!

On Sunday, we bought our mooring and lock passes and transited the first 7 locks of Trent Severn Waterway. That night we tied upriver from a lock and stopped at a small grocery store and ice cream shop.

Monday, July 17, we tied up at the Glen Ross lock and ate at a great Italian/Greek restaurant. After talking to a gentleman walking his dog past the boats, we found out about Pea meal Bacon, an Ontario specialty. All I can say is "Where have you been all of my life Pea meal Bacon!"

July 18, we stopped at Hastings Ontario. Then next 2 nights, we stayed at the Peterborough Marina, we walked the town, ate ice cream on river and saw a concert with Jesse Cook next to marina. We also had dinner with the crews of Encore and Karma

Thursday, we topped off our water and pumped out before leaving.

Friday, July 21 we tied off above lock 27 of the Trent Severn after transiting a record 8 locks in one day. We also went through Peterborough lift lock which is the tallest hydraulic lift lock in the world. Picture 2 bathtubs, they load you into the one on the bottom, close the gate and lift you while the people locking down are in their own bathtub riding down! The whole 65 foot trip takes less than 2 minutes.

The next few days were consumed with more locks, more tie ups above and below locks and visitors. At our overnight above Buckhorn lock I saw a bunch of ladies taking pictures of Patriot, so I think I made their day and invited them on board to see the boat and take more pictures. They were so thrilled, it was very cute. We also went through several tandem locks, which lifted you into an immediate 2nd lock. These locks would raise us almost 100 feet between the two of them.

Tuesday, July 25 we stopped at the marina in Orillia, Ontario where we spent 2 nights. The first night, Carole found a play for us to see, Matilda, at Orillia Opera House performed by a local children's theater group. We also discovered that Gordon Lightfoot was born in Orillia. You couldn't miss all of the tributes to the town's favorite son!

On Thursday, July 27, we left Orillia, stopped at McGregor"s on the Water to fuel up (Canadian Diesel is REALLY expensive). We tied up below the Swift Rapids lock, with Karma and Encore and I flew my drone to capture images of the sluice gates from the dam and a couple of pictures of boats.

July 28 I Flew drone to take pictures of "bubble bergs" that floated past us from the dam. We also went through one of the coolest "locks" that we have seen yet. The Big Chute Railway. To prevent the spread of invasive species, there is no lock here, they load you into an open ended railway car, support your boat with lift straps and run you along a railway to get over the spit of land. I again flew my drone to capture images and video of the trip. Finally we transited the last lock, 45 of the Trent Severn and proceeded into Georgian Bay where we anchored in Frying Pan Bay for 2 nights. This was our last lock of the trip. Over the last 10 months we have gone through 150 locks, from the Illlinois River to the Trent Sever. I Inflated our kayak and paddle boarded to visit neighbors. The next day, we relaxed and Glenn and I walked the island to see Fairy and Goblin Lakes.

It is unbelievable to me that in 10 months, we have visited 2 foreign countries, 15 states, we have completed around 150 locks and over 6,300 miles on this adventure so far. And now we continue into Georgian Bay, the North Channel of Lake Huron, back to the United States, Glenn and Carole's cabin and the east coast of Lake Michigan, our own backyard and home in the next 6 weeks.

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